The Brief

Little Muslim Books originally started when Shabeena Rahman decided to create fun educational muslim childrens books. Organically they had grown over the years through social and general awareness. Shabeena wanted to grow her business and generate more revenue from her website.

Our Solution

With a wealth of experience we were sure that Google Shopping would be a good revenue stream to build upon. We advised CRO to ensure the conversion rate was going to be where we needed it to be to run profitable campaigns. Along with Shopping we set up specifically targeted search campaigns using the data on top performing products that we had gathered from our shopping campaign search terms reports and analytics analysis. Ramadan and Eid for online purchases is the biggest time of year in the Muslim community. 

We achieved a great amount of revenue within 12 months allowing the client to reinvest in her business for this year’s Eid, which produced fantastic results and revenue. We are currently implementing feed optimisation, a css partner ad account and a bing account to test bing shopping.

The Results


1398% Increase

Conversion Rate

83% Increase


1246% Increase

Avg Order Value




Ad Spend

1000% Increase


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Contact us: 044 25 40 40

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